Life - Style It

 Leading a joyful life is what we all desire but a lot of people tend to forget about it and keep themselves stuck to their daily 9-5 based job. As a result, life becomes more routine and hectic. While it is important to work and gain money, it is much more important that you plan and manage your life. In other words, to style your life. When you do so, life becomes much more exciting and everyday becomes a day meant to be enjoyed. So how do you style your life? There are 4 things that plays a significant role in making ones life happy and joyful; NO it is not Facebook or your Play Station.

First, Motivation. It is the key to success in anyone's life and for some; it is the energy that wakes them up every Monday morning. So it is important to realize that motivation is crucial and each time you run short of it, you need to pump it up. One such way to do so is watching Sunrise. The Broga Hill at Kajang is a great place to watch a sunrise. Although it is situated 37 km from the Heart of KL and you have to go through a bumpy ride up the hills, it is all worth it when you see the eye of the heaven slowly appearing out of dark.

Just looking at it provokes a lot of thoughts and these thoughts will ultimately bring you motivation. When you are done feasting your eyes, you are simply done recharging your Motivation battery bar and thus making yourself prepared for any hurdles up ahead. Speaking of motivation, do bring your camera along because the sceneries would make a great piece of photo on your office desk.

Next is bonding. Keeping yourself busy with work can eat up a lot of your precious family time, thus furthering the riff between you and your family. So it is crucial to always maintain the family bond; anyway life wouldn't mean anything without them, right? If you are pushed to a situation where you can't spend much time with them, you can always give them a surprise gift, do it even when it is not their birthday or such

Most people associate green living and saving energy with negative thoughts. It would require major lifestyle changes. "If I'm the only one doing it, it does not help the environment" are frequent thoughts. In this article I want to let you know that you can live green without major live style chang es. You can save energy without major lifestyle changes. Most importantly, you will see it in your wallet too. After that you should ask yourself if it's stubbornness or if you should take the next step and research more about saving power easily.

Let's start with an example. Most households have 8-12 chargers for electrical devices like your iPod a cell phone plugged in at any given moment. These devices consume 10~15 Watts each, even if you phone is fully charged. By installing a one kill switch between all these devices allows you to save numerous Watts on energy. A kill switch lets you switch off the energy to all these devices at once. No more wasted watts and money which you could use for something more fun.

The good part is that a kill switch only costs around $30. The only lifestyle change you need is pushing a button when you go to work or when you go to sleep. Just think about what you could with the money you save on energy and ask yourself if you still don't want to save energy. It is not about the environment, it is about you, your time and your wallet.

Celebrities like Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise and Robin Williams etc are all gifted with a normal height, but when they stand next to their heel stomping women, they look shorter. Now no one would like to see their favorite celebrity looking shorter, there is something about tall celebrities. Although it's not something that is required, but let's face it, tall men look good!

Now celebrities and the common average height man can relax, with the lift kits on their side, the worlds only a stride. These lift kits are affordable and can be bought by everyone all over the world. What better way to increase your confidence and your height! With this truly amazing product that is made of a certain gel, you not only increase your height, but the lift kit also supports the various parts that help you stand. For e.g. the spine that supports your back and legs, the joints on your legs all require support when you stand, and the lift kit insole does the needful for them. Apart from these it also helps the individual to maintain a good posture, digest food well and most importantly increase the level of confidence.

The lift kits come in a one-size-fits all hence they needn't be custom made, you can just purchase it. All one needs to do it put it into the insole of the shoe, check the fit of the insole, if it is larger it can be cut short with a normal pair of scissors. Fit it inside the standard shoe and then try it on. You will be a good 2 inches taller. Now that is simple! Much better than getting your limbs lengthened with strips of metal affixed on your limbs. Something very painful, and could cause you pain later as well.

With the lift kit you are not induced to any kind of pain even at a later stage. This product has got several great reviews and is featured constantly on the Life & Style Magazine. Now no man should feel conscious of his height if he is less endowed with it You will however need to change it every 3 months so that good hygiene is maintained. Now with the lift kit it is possible to look taller, thinner and leaner. What better way to increase your confidence.

The Long-Term Effects of the Corona Virus

The long-term effects of the Covidvirus are becoming apparent. Those whom have been shielding are feeling vulnerable and afraid to go out into busy areas, especially now cases are rising again. Those whom have suffered from the virus, even those with mild attacks may have had recurring illnesses and post viral fatigue, with bronchial complications too. Strange symptoms such as tiredness persist and cough and breathing difficulties which may take months to heal, I know I have been weary for months, I have breathlessness and still have a persistent cough although they are improving.

My brother is now suffering from clinical depression, as I'm sure many others are too, following the strict isolation for months. Plus of course the depression caused by losing one's family members and friends to the virus. This has happened to thousands of people both in this country and world-wide.

The numbers dying in care-homes was phenomenal in the early stages; hopefully lessons will have been learned should there be a second wave this winter. Families will have been torn apart where members have been lost to the virus, plus children will have lost parents and grandparents.

Of course the other cause of depression created by the virus is the financial havoc. The loss of jobs, thus the income they would have provided, and the fear and uncertainty. Despite the financial support the government has set up many have fallen through the cracks, not qualifying for the various schemes. This will inevitably cause a growth of homelessness.

These are not just statistics they are real people who have worked all their lives to provide for their families. Some will have built businesses and are fighting to keep them profitable. This distress is bound to end in suicide for many who cannot take the strain any longer. On a worldwide scale the financial crisis that could ensue is beyond anyone's thinking.

Divorce rates are soaring as relationships that were a bit rocky have crumbled under the strain of lockdown and the financial hardship that is following. It is anticipated the numbers could grow four-fold over the coming months. Food-banks are struggling to cope with the ever-growing number of desperate people trying to feed their families.

On a medical note waiting lists for cancer treatments and other medical issues are growing daily as the hospitals have been taken over by Covid patients.

So what can we all do to help the spread of the virus and help prevent a second wave this winter? Take wearing masks seriously, hand washing and social distancing, abide by the rules and not behave selfishly as some are doing with raves and parties. The sooner we reduce the spread the sooner we can all benefit living the new norm.

The isolation and loneliness of the last few months has been a nightmare for many especially those alone and shielding, and those missing their loved ones in hospital and unable to visit. Let us stay vigilant and follow the rules and recommendations it is in our own and everyone's interest.
When the entire world is reeling by the devastating rampage in its popula-

tion, this small island nation managed to strangle the spread of this menace from the earliest stages just by preventive measures. The adjust-ments and cooperation between the Government and the general public shines as a beacon of hope to all other nations of the world. The early awareness of the gravity of the situation and the immediate preventive measures taken spared this island from future major course corrections.

All these actions prevented major loss of lives, no economic stresses and a population saved from the onslaught of virulent menace. All these achieved

with no antidote, no antiserum and no new discoveries from medical field.

Observing the spiralling epidemic and its devastating impacts in Europe, he says the Government was "determined to minimize the impact of COVID-19" in New Zealand. From late February through March, the country progressively tightened restrictions.

"It was recognized that implementing this strategy would have significant economic costs, but so would a major outbreak," he explains. "So New Zealand took a precautionary approach and on 26 March, apart from essential workers, the entire country was required to self-quarantine at home."

New Zea;and sets an uncomproimising austerity controls. Only commerce

allowed was operation of grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, and petrol stations. Vehicle travel was restricted and social interactions was limited to households.

Bolstered by a team of scientists and health care officials the austerity measures were formulated and acted upon effectively including this country lockdown. Instead of just slowing down the virus, it grabbed the opportunity tp eliminate the threatening covid-19 menace. It choked the virus in its entirety.

WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific, Dr Takeshi Kasai, explains that New Zealand combined strict physical distancing with strong testing, contact tracing, clinical management of those infected, and clear and regular public communication. The country also took steps to cushion the economic blow.

Not letting down their guard:

"New Zealand certainly benefited from being a high-income, island country with an advanced health system," says Dr Kasai."But they didn't take any-thing for granted," he adds. "They worked concertedly to limit and stop COVID-19 on their shores and support other countries in the Region.

New Zealanders worked together to keep case numbers low and stamp out the virus at home. But they are not resting on that success. New Zealand has not let down its guard, says Dr Kasai.

'"New Zealand continues to be vigilant," he says. "The Government is rightly cautioning that the virus is still circulating around the world and that New Zealand must work hard to keep it from returning They also must maintain readiness to reintroduce control measures if it does.""

Constant vigilance, due diligence in the interest of the well being of the community of this entire nation and the amazing cooperation of the public

helped remain a healthy robust community and a role model to the world.


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